
Twitter Video Microblogging Using 12seconds

There is another micro-trend that goes hand in hand with microblogging; and that is micro video. Using a service called 12seconds, you can record very short videos (12 seconds in length) that accumulate into an ongoing series of posts just like a microblog. So you can just create an account on 12seconds and start recording videos that build up as a video blog. That in itself is pretty cool. However……another very cool feature of 12seconds is that integrates into your Twitter and Facebook accounts. So every time you do a new video, it can show up as a post in your Twitter account, or an update in your Facebook account, with a link to the page on 12seconds that contains the video.12seconds does exist as its own platform that allows you to follow other users, just like Twitter. The basic Twitter rule here applies: follow other 12seconds users and many of them will follow you back.To use 12seconds, you start by signing up for an account. Use a keyword for your user name because this will be contained in the URL to your channel page on the site. Nail Pen Your URL will be something like 12seconds.tv/channel/yourkeyword. So right off the bat, just by signing up for an account you are creating a page that has a chance to rank highly (if you pick a good keyword for your username).12seconds has its own video recording function that allows you to just click a button and start recording from your computer's webcam. If your computer doesn't have a webcam, get an external one. It is a cheap investment that is well worth the money. After you make a recording, you have the option to cancel it and record again or publish it to your account.There is also a search engine optimization benefit to using 12seconds. When you add watch repair a new video, you give it a title and keywords. Using many keywords places a listing to your video on multiple pages on the 12seconds site. You can also add a comment to the video page with a keyword link, which will appear on the keyword tag pages. So using keywords helps generate links to your video, to your main web site, and it increases your visibility throughout the 12seconds site.

